Khudadad, a 40-year old laborer from Taxila was rushed to the Holy Family Hospital in Rawalpindi after experiencing excruciating abdominal pain. He was diagnosed as suffering from an acute heart condition that would have to be treated immediately with open heart surgery if he was to survive. Khudadad was the sole breadwinner in his family which included his twelve children, his wife and elderly mother. He became desperate when he thought of the implications for his family but he simply could not afford the Rs. 150,000 needed to pay for the surgery and he had no trust in the state sponsored social protection program. He was already heavily indebted to friends and neighbors from whom he had borrowed money to carry out the diagnostic angiography.
The doctors in the cardiac unit, realizing the urgency of the situation contacted HHF who dispatched a representative immediately to carry out an assessment of the case. Within two days, the money was made available for the surgery. The operation was successful.